Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Homeowners Association Needs a Treasurer!

May 15, 2008

I just spoke with the President of our neighborhood Homeowners Association about becoming Treasurer.

Joe’s truck was stolen about a month ago, one Sunday night at 11:30, just as we were going to bed. The thief must have been waiting and watching us; within ten minutes of turning the bedroom light out, Joe heard the engine start up and instantly knew the sound of his truck just as a mother knows her baby’s cry. “That’s my truck!” he exclaimed as the thief drove off in his blue ’76 Chevy short-bed pickup.

The truck was retrieved (so all’s well that ends well), but I wanted to let the other residents know to be watchful and careful, even in a quiet suburban neighborhood like ours. I scanned the HOA website for a “comments” or “contact” screen. In doing so I discovered that the HOA Board had a vacancy for the Treasurer position.

I was so excited! I enjoy my job as a CPA but – maybe it’s my religious upbringing – I feel stale and useless knowing I have a talent but having no way to use it to benefit those in need. In the past I’ve served with VITA – Volunteer Income Tax Assistance. That’s still a possibility but I haven’t done taxes in 6 or 7 years. The tax laws change yearly and I’d have to re-learn nearly everything I ever knew. So anyway, I’ve been looking for a way to make use of my skills outside of a 40-hour a week salaried job.

I emailed a message to the Board. I wanted to join the Board and volunteer my services for the Treasurer position.

Mr. Robinson, the HOA President, had called me shortly thereafter, but at this point I hadn’t spoken with him in nearly a month. He said they were undergoing changes on the Board. I didn’t understand what he was conveying, but I had gotten the feeling that the Treasurer position wasn’t going to work out. So I gave up on the idea.

Oh, no, he said! He wanted to nominate me and the Association would have to vote on me. The next Homeowners’ meeting is June 3; that’s when they’ll nominate me and hold the vote. The first thing he asked me was, “You know this is a voluntary position, don’t you?!” I responded with an enthusiastic, “Oh yes!! I have a full-time job already.”

Mr. Robinson said the job would take about 2-3 hours per month. Right now, we still have some dues trickling in (dues are payable January 1, but obviously not all residents had paid their dues timely!) which need deposited with the bank; plus we pay our lawn maintenance provider once a month according to the contract.

Oh, that’s nothing, I said. I’ve been doing work like that for ten years or more. I can easily fit this into my schedule.

I’m excited about using my skills to benefit the community. Besides, it'll make it easier to get to know my neighbors! Just think, if Joe had never had his truck stolen, none of this would have ever happened. Once again, adversity presents opportunity.

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