Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Good Year

December 31, 2007

Today is the last day of 2007. Joe and Nathan are driving up to the office to meet me for lunch. Nathan has had a pretty bad ear infection, which is draining now. I’m feeling a lot better after finally seeing a doctor and getting on Allegra. I don’t feel the drainage which would irritate my chest and throat, like I have been. Not as much anyway. Still coughing some, but the coughs are fewer and further between. I couldn’t believe how much the meds cost. Without insurance I would have had to pay more than double what I did. Thank God for insurance. I don’t buy a lot of meds, so I wasn’t prepared for those prices.

We went to Dennis & Michelle’s party – kind of a year-end party, Dirty Santa-style, though not exactly a New Year’s party and not exactly a Christmas party – Saturday night. Over 40 people were there. I normally can’t deal with crowds that big for very long. But it was OK, it was all the usual people from Tennis, Outdoor Network, and Ski Club. I got to see some friends I hadn't seen in months.

Brenda Ballinger was there with a man whom others referred to as her husband. I haven't seen Brenda in years. So she finally got the divorce? We were both separated at the same time a few years ago, both of us procrastinating our divorces. People would harass me for waiting so long, but somehow it was OK that she not only wasn’t pursuing the divorce, but she was traveling out of state to spend time with her husband whom she knew was cheating on her. But then, I never met her husband so this may have been her husband with whom she reconciled. But I doubt it, the way people were talking. If she did get the divorce finally, she sure got into another marriage pretty quickly.

Some people have to be married (like our friend Ted, who was practically engaged to his current wife before his divorce was even final). I don’t get that; I mean, wouldn’t one want to be careful to not make the same mistakes in the second marriage (or third for that matter) that they did in the first? And therefore take some time and wait? But then I have to realize, everyone is different. I can’t make a judgment on what’s right for someone else; only for me.

2007 was a good year; it brought Joe into my life. What will 2008 bring?

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