Friday, August 28, 2009

Missing Mom

November 7, 2007

Last night I got a call from Nathan’s science teacher, Mrs. Roberts. She was concerned not just about Nathan getting his work in late (which is nothing new), but the work he is doing is vague and disconnected. Like he’s not even trying. I had noticed that his work has been a very poor quality lately.

I got him to talking, in a roundabout way, and I believe he’s missing Mom. Feeling left out. I had wondered if it was because Joe is spending so much time with us now, but I don’t think it has anything to do with him per se. I think he just wants more time with Mom. Weird, I had thought that since he’s getting older and pushing me away, that he DIDN’T want much time with me. Turns out to be the opposite.

Monday night we did his math homework together, after which I had him choose Charlotte’s Web or The Trumpet of the Swan, and read a chapter. He needs to read more. He’s so far behind in his reading class. Last night I had him read a chapter, then I wanted him to begin a journal. He designed a car then labeled the parts. Well, that’s something. Some sort of creative expression.

He asked me to read to him as he fell asleep. He hasn’t asked me to do that in ages. Up until he was 8, I’d give him his bath then read to him. Then sometimes he’d ask me to read him a chapter at bedtime. That slacked off, and now I remember that I was always “too tired.” Well, I’ll just have to start back doing that. We’d read about Ramona Quimby, Junie B. Jones, Bionicles, and Jack & Annie and the Magic Treehouse. I read a book we got from the CBOMC (Children's Book of the Month Club), The Incredible Journey of Edward Tulane, I believe was the name. It's about a toy bunny that gets lost from his owner, a little girl, and is tossed here and there and there and here, until he finally finds a home with a new little girl. I read the whole thing to myself last night, then read a chapter to him. I can start reading him a chapter every night.

Both nights, I kept the TV off. Quiet time. We need to have more quiet time.

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